The ALL NEW Big Wakeup Call with Ryan Gatenby

Eric Cogorno

Ryan Gatenby

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While Eric Cogorno is best known for the golf lessons he gives to more than 400,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel and Instagram, he’s actually spent nearly 20 years building a reputation as a highly respected Performance Golf Coach.  He intuitively combines the art and science of golf to teach to each individual student (seemingly) simple strategies that lead to cutting handicaps in half and significantly improving performance for golfers of all levels. 

Since 2018, Eric Cogorno has taken his business from $80K a year teaching one-on-one lessons by the hour in Bethlehem, PA, to a multimillion dollar, global golf instruction brand using these same skills and strategies. In the process, he was able to also transform his entire professional and personal lifestyle as well as the golf of hundreds of thousands of people. 

 As a successful entrepreneur and personal development enthusiast, Eric is on a mission to help people understand the profound value of goal setting, help them get clear about their goals and provide tactical strategies for them to achieve those goals.